Sports Safe Mouthguards – Custom vs. Store Bought

If you’re playing contact sports, dental injuries are the most common type of facial injury. You need a mouthguard to stop broken or knocked out teeth, or, in worst cases – broken jaws.

Sports Safe Mouthguards – Custom vs. Store Bought

You can choose to purchase a ‘boil and bite’ mouthguard from the chemist or over the counter at other shops – they are cheaper than a custom option but there are myriad discrepancies between the two. Would you use the cheapest cricket bat? There’s a strong case to be made for visiting the dentist for your mouthguard.

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of these different types of mouthguards so you are able to make an informed decision about what the best choice is:

Store Bought (Boil and Bite) MouthguardCustomised Dental Mouthguard
Pros: Cheap

Cons: One Size fits all (?)

Loose! Could fall out while talking to team mates on the field during play in rugby etc,

Uncomfortable, bulky and possibly might not even extend to cover back teeth

Not durable

Potentially lots of $$$ to restore or replace broken/lost teeth

Pros: Customised to YOUR mouth

Snug fit as it has been designed from a mould taken of your teeth providing Optimal protection

Helps stabilise the jaw at point of impact

Comfortable and easy to wear

Durable – will last longer.

Range of colours including multi-colours

Able to have name put in mouthguard so no confusion in the dressing shed!

Health fund will pay towards a mouthguard when you have Dental Cover

Quick 15 min appointment

Quick turn around (Only a couple of days!)

Cons: More expensive than store bought.

Are you concerned that you may not be protecting your teeth as well as you could be? Give the friendly team at Walloon Dental a call – we can put you at ease and get your mind back on the game!

About Walloon Dental

At Walloon Dental, our goal is to offer high-quality, affordable dental care. Our practice is conveniently situated in the City of Ipswich, and is easily accessible for individuals in the surrounding areas.